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Definisi Biokimia
the study of the chemical processes in living organisms. It deals with the structure and function of cellular components such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and other biomolecules.
Mengapa perlu belajar Biokimia?
Biochemistry is the 'Chemistry of Life'
The aim is to provide an understanding of every aspect of the structure and function of living things at the molecular level.
It is a practical laboratory science that applies the molecular approaches of chemistry to the vast variety of biological systems.
Biochemists work at all levels and with all types of biological organisms, ranging from biomolecules to man.
Biochemistry is the 'Chemistry of Life'
The aim is to provide an understanding of every aspect of the structure and function of living things at the molecular level.
It is a practical laboratory science that applies the molecular approaches of chemistry to the vast variety of biological systems.
Biochemists work at all levels and with all types of biological organisms, ranging from biomolecules to man.
There are close links with other specialist life sciences, such as Cell Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Physiology and Pharmacology. In fact, in many cases the distinctions between these disciplines are becoming increasingly blurred. They use biochemical techniques and biochemists work in all these areas.
Biochemistry offers the tremendous challenge of seeking to understand the most fundamental of life's processes at the molecular level, and to utilize this knowledge for the benefit of mankind. You will have read, for example, how biochemists, working with colleagues in other disciplines, have developed the new technologies of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering.
These have enabled the production of therapeutically important human proteins such as insulin and blood clotting factors by cloning procedures, thus avoiding costly, time-consuming and inefficient isolation of these molecules from biological sources; the identification and possible remedying of genetic problems; and the use of DNA fingerprinting in forensic science.
Biochemists identify biological problems then develop and apply appropriate techniques to solve them at the molecular level
Biochemists study the most basic of life processes; for example, identifying the way in which DNA, which carries the genetic information, is transferred between cells and can be manipulated. This has led to the development of new technologies such as Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering.
The resulting recombinant DNA technology has formed the basis of modern biotechnology (e.g. production of human insulin), medical developments (e.g. prenatal diagnosis and genetic counselling) and forensic science (e.g. DNA fingerprinting).
DNA directs the production of proteins. These have diverse functions, such as catalysing biological reactions (enzymes), carrying oxygen round the body (haemoglobin), protecting us from infection (antibodies) and holding us together (collagen). Using both simple and high-technology methods, biochemists work out how these proteins function.
. Biochemists also develop methods for making use of proteins, such as enzymes in biotechnology and antibodies in hormone analysis.
With knowledge of the basic molecular mechanisms, biochemists study how life processes are integrated to allow individual cells to function and interact to form complex organisms.
They work with all sorts of organisms, from viruses and bacteria to plants and man.
These are just a few of the areas. It would take a whole book, in fact many books, to do justice to the multitude of roles of biochemists.
Bagaimana menjadi biokimiawan
Do you have a curiosity about the living world?
Do you want to understand what makes it all work?
Do you enjoy chemistry and its application to biology?
Metabolisme primer
Metabolisme khusus
Tanaman dan lingkungan
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